Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pollution of Democracy (warning: rant level orange)

I've written a lot about the problems caused by oil--global warming, wars for oil, polluted air from burning gas and polluted lands and waters from drilling and mining, etc.  But there is one additional form of pollution that I have missed, and it is one that is just as serious as all of these.  That is the pollution of our democratic process.

It's not just that oil buys votes for subsidies and permits to drill/mine/transport/refine and sell oil.  That is pretty much business as usual for our political system.  The real problem is that the oil industry is incompatible with a livable planet.  This means that their supporters have to take leave of their human senses and advocate suicide for the planet.  The result is pollution of our entire system of government, not just the usual bribes and pay-offs. 

Let me explain.

Normally most of us move through life with a prudent degree of caution.  We don't drive recklessly, we don't take dangerous drugs, we repair a leaky roof, we try to eat somewhat nutritious meals, etc.    We live by the "cautionary principle"--i.e. if something is likely, or even possible to cause us harm, we do what we need to do to avoid that thing.  Most people brush their teeth because the likely consequences of not doing so make it worth the time it takes.

So when it comes to climate change, the cautionary principle tells us to stop using fossil fuels, since 98% of climate scientists predict dire consequences of continued use of fossil fuels.  Even if there is a slight chance that they are wrong, rational human behavior would be to stop using fossil fuels.  This is not even that difficult to do since good alternatives exist that will end up saving money and providing good jobs (e.g. solar power and electric cars). 

But where do these alternatives leave the oil industry?  Out of business.  So for them, as corporations, this is a death sentence.  Of course, if corporations were really people, they would see that their self interest in survival outweighs their short term job prospects.  But they aren't people.  They have no feelings at all about human suffering.  So they use their billions to buy candidates who not only give them their usual perks, but who actively deny reality. 

What kind of people are these?  Religious zealots who think we're in the last days before the rapture.   People who are sure that humans can't change the earth because that's not God's plan.  Some of these people are skilled demagogues who know how to appeal to ignorance and make fun of science.  They are people who scapegoat immigrants, minorities, public employees, all government programs, gays/lesbians/bisexsual/transgender people, and just about anyone except the fossil fuel companies that are causing the problem.  In office they are the equivalent of drunk drivers who are careening around the highway with no regard to their own safety or the safety of others.   These are the people that now control the Republican party and the U.S. House of Representatives.  They are dismantling our government through incompetence and outright hostility--the post office, social security, the national parks, public schools, the clean air and clean water acts, . . . Tea Party elected candidates all have one thing in common--they all deny global warming.  All of the other parts of their agenda are irrelevant to the oil companies that fund them. 

This is oil pollution just as serious all the CO2 that is destroying the climate.

Sorry about the rant.

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