Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hot off the press: "U.S. main obstacle to pact on slowing global warming"

This headline comes from an Oakland Tribune article dated September 21, 1991.  We sure have come a long way since then. . . NOT.

The article, by Didrikke Schanche of the Associated Press, states, "The United States . . . says too little is known about global warming and its possible causes and that the estimated costs of compliance with mandatory reductions is too great".  Speaking about the talks in Nairobi Kenya, the article quotes Adam Markham of the World Wide Fund for Nature--"It's not a tenable position for the world's largest carbon dioxide emitter to say there's not enough science available or enough political will to reduce carbon dioxide emission."  The article explains that carbon dioxide from "burning fossil fuels like coal and oil. . . traps heat in the Earth's atmospher much like the glass on a greenhouse roof. . . .Scientists with the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. . .predict that if manmade emissions of carbon dioxide are allowed to continue unchecked, gradual atmospheric warming could wreak havoc."

Welcome to the new world that 20 years of failing to address the problem has created.

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