Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Clever Little Chevy song

Music (piano by Fred Ewing, vocals and lyrics by Jack Lucero Fleck):
tune: Surrey with the Fringe on the Top (from Oklahoma)

When I take you on a ride with me
Honey, here’s the way it’s goin’ to be
You will ride inside a car with solar power
One that runs on electricity.

SUVs are just too top heavy
Come and take a ride in my Chevy
It’s some fun to ride in my Chevy that won’t binge on gas
Just plug in and see how it’s better
I could tell as soon as I met her
She’s so cute that I’d like to pet her and she takes off fast!

The cord is orange, and the battery’s strong,
It’s charged by our solar panels
The ra-dio’s playin’ our fav’rite song
On one of our dozens of channels

Think I’ll take a ride to the levee
Quiet as a mouse in my Chevy
Now I hope they build up a bevy with their nuts and bolts
Of those clever little Chevy’s that we call th-e Volts

Pipelines, oil spills, earth left in tatters
Though big oil just keeps gettin fatter
Without my car I’d be much sadder ‘cuz it’s built to last
We can drive right on past the station
Every day’s’a gas free vacation
Thanks to electrification we can save our cash

We’ve got CO2 that’s wreckin' the earth
And making our future hotter
With oil boys takin' us for all we’re worth
The Volt makes you glad that you’ve got her

We’ve been lookin' for a solution
To all of this global pollution
Now it’s here and it’s no illusion with each nut and bolt
It’s that clever little Chevy and we call it the Volt

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