Friday, June 13, 2008

Major Milestones

Well I have accomplished three major milestones in my quest toward an EV. The first was that I finally fixed the power windows! The ground wire is shot somewhere between the door and the G551 ground section on the car. So I jumpered the Power Window Ground to the Power Lock ground, which ends up at the G551 anyways and now they work.

This is the door with the interior taken off and the wiring cables exposed. Honda was actually nice enough to leave two junctions opened on the power windows ground and the power locks ground so all I had to do was remove the electrical tape, add a new wire and solder it. Then I taped it all up, put the car back together and it worked once again.

The next major milestone is that I received my plates, spacers and couplet materials for my adapter system. This weekend I plan on making exact templated from poster board for each plate for easy drilling. I believe I can drill the plates myself and next week my dad is taking the coupler pieces and drawings to a machinist and see if he can do it.

And my third milestone is that I finally have a Destruction Day. July 14 is day after we get back from a family vacation and when my dad is giving up the Civic. So I have a month to get my coupler machined and plates all drilled and now that I have a actual start date I hope to get a machinist working on my coupler next week.

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